Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shopping Trolley

Today I used my shopping trolley for the first time. For a European, this would seem like a mundane statement. However, I am not European. Normally, I just walk to the corner grocery and carry my purchases home in a couple of nylon or plastic bags that I bring to the store. If you forget a bag, you can purchase a medium sized paper bag at the counter for about .30 CHF. I carry a fold up nylon bag in my purse at all times, because you never know when you might want to stop at the store on your way home from somewhere. My sister gave it to me last time she was in Texas for a visit. I immediately put it in my purse where it has remained since. I can't tell you how many .30 CHF it has saved me! Anyway, for the last 8 days, since my container has arrived with all of my things, I have been unpacking, rearranging, decorating, etc. (I now need to find a good chiropractor in Geneva.) So my husband decides it is time to have people over now that we are moved in and sort of settled. (There is not one chandelier hung or one picture on the wall yet, and the guest shower is filled with pictures and linens.) So the big day is Sunday, and I have decided to cook gumbo since I found a jar of roux in one of my kitchen boxes. I start planning a menu...gumbo, potato salad, vegetable tray, brownies, and oh, drinks...I need some cokes, beer, tonic water....holy crap! I have to CARRY all of these groceries home! No problem, I have my shopping trolley. Guess what people, the trolley isn't even close to the size of a car trunk, or a truck bed in my former case. This is going to have to be done in stages. I have three days, so today I decided to get the potatoes, onions, cokes, tonic water and a few smaller items. Tomorrow, I am going for the beer, chicken and sausage. If I am lucky, I can manage dessert as well!

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